Songs old and new received rapturous applause at Trefnant Village Hall on 26th November 2022. Equally, a welcome return by Denbigh & District Male Voice Choir.
Even More Choral Favourites
It’s time for even more choral favourites.
The range of choral music selected by the choir members has been interesting to say the least. An eclectic mixture of classical and contemporary choral music to please our regular followers. [Read more…]
Dafydd Jones Profile
Dafydd Jones is as dependable and durable as the slate mined from his home town of Blaenau Ffestiniog. A real cornerstone of the choir. This is his personal account of times spent with the choir.(Ed.) [Read more…]
Caryl Parry Jones Becomes Choir President
Caryl Parry Jones is to become our Choir President. Prolonged applause greeted the announcement at the Choir’s Annual General Meeting. [Read more…]
Musician Rhys Jones Tribute
It is twelve months since we said our sad farewells to musician Rhys Jones. A musical legacy ensures that he remains forever in our thoughts.