Following months of careful planning a joint concert is imminent. Avon and Somerset Constabulary MVC combine with Denbigh and District MVC at St John’s Church, Llandudno.
The choir’s first stop is at the town of Denbigh. A walking Guided Tour of the historical town on Friday June 26 is available.
Thereafter, a Buffet awaits at the Denbigh Conservative Club.
Joint Choirs Socialise
Here the two choirs will meet and greet. The Mayor of Denbigh and Choir Vice President, Raymond Bartley, will welcome our guests.
Next day a joint concert takes place at St John’s Church, Llandudno, at 8:00pm. Guest soloist is Mezzo Soprano Kathryn Nash.
The Avon and Somerset Constabulary MVC website states:
“The choir enjoys a high reputation for its quality of performance. It has won many cups and certificates at choral competitions.
The choristers are no strangers to travel with visits to all parts of the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, France and Czechoslovakia.”
And so on to north Wales!
Joint Concert
The choir’s programme includes classical favourites such as ‘Speed Your Journey’ from Nabucco and Charles Gounod’s ‘Sanctus.’
Contemporary classics such as ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ and ‘American Trilogy’ provide variety.
Among the Denbigh and District Male Voice Choir set list is ‘The Rose’ [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00JS24EZ8″ cloaking=”default” height=”160″ localization=”default” locale=”UK” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” popups=”default” tag=”denanddismalv-21″ width=”160″]and ‘A Welsh Trilogy.’ The choir perform La Virgine with guest mezzo soprano Kathryn Nash.
The two choirs unite for a rousing joint concert finale. The chosen items are the ever popular ‘Gwahoddiad‘ and ‘Morte Criste.’
Tickets for the joint concert are on sale at the door. Proceeds donated to the Nepal Earthquake Relief. The evening is supported by Denbigh Rotary Club.
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